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HESA Saatengroßhandlung is a producer and trader of grass seeds and intermediary seeds as well as rodent and bird feed.

With its brands and special products, HESA serves agricultural retailers, garden and landscape designers, golf courses, as well as the big food retailers, wholesalers, pet shops and bird and pigeon breeders.

In addition to seed trading, the product range includes the cultivation of grass seed, small animal feed, bird feed and winter bird feed.

The company runs two production sites in Litschau and Himberg (Lower Austria).

Find out more at www.hesa.co.at

Contact persons:

Mag. Antonio Foramitti

+43 2235 87391-411

Our locations:

Seed Production Plant Himberg

  • Haideäckerstraße 8, 2325 Himberg
  • +43 2235 87391
  • verkauf@hesa.co.at
  • +43 2235 87391-19

Seed Production Plant Litschau

  • Industriestraße 8, 3874 Litschau
  • +43 2865 231
  • verkauf@hesa.co.at
  • +43 2865 231